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Old 29th March 2017, 04:11 PM   #2
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Great sword, Jean-Luc.
This is the first time we see here the inscription ESPADERO DEL REY on the ricasso spine of a sword; as we read DEL REY in the side you pictured, naturally the word ESPADERO appears on the other side.
Notably this master smith is not contemplated by neither Palomares nor del Canto in their works ... go figure why .
Another riddle is why this, being a Toledan famous master with his own prestige, uses the Italianized version of his first name, Pietro instead of Pedro; as we start from the principle that such spelling doesn't originate in forgeries introduced in the market by less famous competitors.
It seems as, although hardly discerned, there are other marks in your blade, which wouldn't surprise you, as apparently Pedro Hernandez used a few symbols all together, as you may see in Gyngel's work, for one.

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Last edited by fernando; 29th March 2017 at 07:35 PM.
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