Thread: european helmet
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Old 17th March 2017, 07:12 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by ulfberth
Hello François,

You have a nice and original lobster tail helmet there , as every part seems to have the 4 dots I think they are simply markings used by the armory to mark parts that were made to fit together for induvidual helmets.

kind regards

That is excellent Ulfberth! I would never have guessed what those dots were for!!! That is amazing using the part marking systems in this way, and to see how armourers tended to assembly of their wares.
Thank you for always adding these observations as it really helps to know what to look for in these items.
While the books can tell us a lot on history and typology etc. they seldom give us these often almost nuanced clues on authentication.
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