Thread: Member Passing
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Old 17th March 2017, 04:44 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Default RIP my friend.

This is a tragic blow to our forums, Barry was one of the key figures here, and the most unique person I have ever met. His sage wisdom and astute observations were always boldly emblazoned in capital letters (due to eyesight) and with a demeanor that always reminded me of Will Rogers.
That seemed interestingly appropriate as he lived in Oklahoma. I once had the pleasure of visiting him there, and was overwhelmed at his incredibly eclectic collections.....I used to tease him that his home was the Oklahoma chapter of the Smithsonian.
I recall in talking as we walked through rooms of displays, mentioning the 'deaths head moth' (from "Silence of the Lambs") ...he calmly smiled, and like a museum docent said, this way......opening drawers of butterflies etc. and there one was!!!!

His interests were boundless, and his passion for everything was thrilling to anyone having the pleasure of talking with him. Intrigued by his pseudonym, VANDOO, he explained it was the mysterious language created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the language of the apes in "Tarzan".
It fit him, mysterious, esoteric, intriguing, fascinating, and someone I will never ever forget,
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