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Old 2nd March 2017, 05:01 AM   #46
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

For what it may be worth, I have used a product called Eezox on some metal items. It is both a solvent and a rust inhibitor. For red surface rust, and as a protection for some blades, I've found that cleaning with eezox and a stainless steel ribbon sponge, sold as "scrub buds", will remove light rust without damaging the surface finish, for example the bluing on firearms. Several applications, wiped with an absorbent rag, will leave red-brown staining on the rag, until the rust is minimised. I leave eezox on the surface to dry, where it forms a protective barrier against further oxidation. Once everything has dried, an application of renaissance wax serves as additional protection.

Obviously there are objects for which this is inappropriate. That said, I've found blades and firearms so treated have remained protected for more than a few years, admittedly in a reasonably controlled environment.
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