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Old 19th February 2017, 04:33 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Blacksmith.

I think (?) the lock was from an 1859 French Service Musket, and engraved locally to suit the owner. See photos. And possibly the trigger, guard, and rear sight from the same musket. Maybe the Forum members from the European side can confirm this. The barrel and percussion bolster look to be locally made. And the stock made by a local gunsmith to suit regional/local taste. I'm thinking Indian or Afghan, and leaning to the latter. A tough call with this one. But also a very interesting gun.
It would be helpful if you could post some additional photos such as the trigger guard, butt plate, and that brass piece at the muzzle end. Also, the inside of the lock. There may be some ID on the inside of the lock plate, if originally a military lock.

Question: Why would you need a new stock for shooting ?

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