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Old 12th February 2017, 06:47 PM   #16
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 425

Ferdinand Bol. Portrait of a young man with a sword, 1635-40, Dayton Art Institute, Ohio
Ferdinand Bol may have been a pupil in Dordrecht of Jacob Gerritsz. Cuyp. He is recorded still in Dordrecht in 1635. He moved to Amsterdam in the late 1630's where be became a pupil of Rembrandt. About 1642 be established himself as an independent artist and remained in Amsterdam until the end of his lift. He was one of Rernbrandt's ablest pupils and also a great favorite with the master.His earliest works are close in style to Rembrandt's but front about 1650 be turned more to the example of Bartholomeus van der HeIst in portraiture although his subject pictures remain indebted to Rembrandt. He was successful in Amsterdam as a portraitist throughout his life.
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