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Old 24th January 2017, 04:36 AM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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A great topic Jasper!
These VOC markings have always intrigued me, and finding these hangers/cutlasses intact seems a challenge as so many of these blades found their way into all manner of ethnographic weapons in the 'East Indies'.
This sword you have is one of the 'classic' examples I have only seen photos of, WOW!
I am curious on the year marking invariably placed on these blades below the VOC and chamber (there were 6) letter mark. As with yours the 'A' is of course for Amsterdam, with others being Middelburg; Hoorn; Enkhuizen; Delft and Rotterdam (the R below the VOC rather than above).

I am wondering just when the VOC started this convention of year marking and why. Also, is it true that these blades were almost invariably produced in Solingen and assembled in Koln for the VOC?
Rather than being issued to sailors and troops, I have understood these were made available for purchase.
I have seen one identical to yours with blade date 1794, the latest date I have seen...the company technically dissolved 1799 I believe.

Just reviewing notes and would be grateful for your insight re: these swords.
I join you in hoping others out there will share their VOC swords and perhaps the various remountings of these blades.

Thanks very much,

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 24th January 2017 at 04:47 AM.
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