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Old 23rd January 2017, 04:22 PM   #48
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Pusaka
I lived with a keris that would rattle very often and it became very normal, even annoying at times. I had heard some teachings about the esoteric aspect of the keris and I managed to understand the ritual even though I was only told parts of it. So I tried it I had a friend make me a keris and to make it extra special I gave him a small meteorite that I wanted incorporated into the blade.

When I received the blade I began preforming the ritual every night with the keris with the idea of bringing the blade alive. After about a month of doing this every night before going to bed I placed the blade next to my bed on a bedside cabinet resting on a hardback book. I went to sleep and was woken in the middle of the night by the keris rattling next to my bed. It freaked me out at first but then I thought its what you wanted isn't it. Anyway I lived for a whole two years with this keris frequently rattling and got very used to it, actually for a while I thought of it like a pet. I would get very annoyed on occasion when it would wake me up late at night or early in the morning. I actually put it out in the hallway once I had enough of its behaviour.
After about two years of not "feeding it" it slowly stopped rattling but during that time it was entertaining at first and I made several experiments with it.
Have you ever read the novel Frankenstein? Your description here reminds me a lot of the relationship between the doctor and his creature. It was not a good relationship.

Last edited by David; 27th January 2017 at 02:19 PM. Reason: spelling
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