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Old 21st January 2017, 08:27 PM   #8
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This thread is highly complemented by an earlier discussion here. Below is an important contribution from Amuk Marugul which started off that previous thread. I have copied over his post in its entirety, and reattached his pictures. As you can see, the summary of the material researched by Pupuye and de Stürler Boekwijt is skillfully elucidated upon in this post.


Hullo everybody!


A selected representative sample, including data which may not be available elsewhere.

Developed in the field for use in close-combat and brush-clearing, thus combining the functions of golok and cutlass. It was mainly to counter the devastatingly effective blades of the Atjehans.
Optimised to suit indigenous personnel ( i.e. strength, length and weight ).
A cutlass-fencing regime was designed specifically for its use.
As demand for kalewangs far outstripped local production, production was transferred to Europe ( 1898 ); mainly Soemmerda and Solingen, as Hembrug was not yet ready for production-line operation ( 1912 ).
European-made blades of regulation-kalewangs were subjected to stringent bending-tests: they had to withstand a bending of 5cm. without breaking and then be able to resume their straight form.

*N.B. The alphanumeric: M....., denotes the European Model number.

Operation in the tropics necessitated protective/anti-corrosion coating on blades:

European blades:
Pre-M1905 - no bluing
M1905 onwards - 'browning' ( blue-black colour )

USA blades:
VINCE - 'parkerised' ( opaque grey )
LILLY-AMES - 'blued' ( blue )
MILSCO - 1946 - 'browning' ( blue-black )
- post-1946 - 'parkerised' ( opaque grey )

With reference to Fig.1, anti-clockwise:

1 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1903 SOEMMERDA (M1898)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 60x72x3.53x0.49cm
Beginning of sword handle
Back-slide fixed by hammered tang ( Fig.4 )

2 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1909 SOLINGEN (M1905)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 61.5x74.5x3.53x0.66cm
Beginning of back-slide fixed by tang-screw (Fig.4 )

3 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1909 SOEMMERDA (M1905)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 61x63x3.55x1.00cm
I.D.: P.A.L./389 = Pasoeroean, Malang & Probolinggo Regional Police

4 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1910 HEMBRUG (M1905)
Blade:LxOALxWxT = 61x73.5x3.45x0.54cm
Finger-loop hole ( Fig.3 )

5 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1918 SOLINGEN (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 62.5x74.5x3.57x0.49cm
I.D.: P.A.K./406 = Kediri & Blitar Regional Police
Beginning of knife handle

6 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1927 HEMBRUG (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT = 62x74.5x3.53x0.45cm
I.D.: P.A.O./571 = Batavia Metropolitan Police

7 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1940 HEMBRUG (M1911)
I.D.: 2-Bar.III/156 = 2nd.Co., Soemenep Corps

8 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1941 LILLEY-AMES (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT=63X75.5x3.58x0.57cm
Bakelite scales
Acquired by US Army

9 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1941 LILLEY-AMES (M1911)
Blade: LxOALxWxT=63.0x75.0x3.55x0.59cm
Bakelite scales
Acquired by US Navy

10 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose) 1941 VINCE
Blade: LxOALxWxT=62x74.5x3.53x0.57cm
Beginning of hickory scales and
Beginning of rounded clip-point tips ( Fig.7 )

11 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946 VINCE
Blade: LxOALxWxT=63x75x3.59x0.45cm
Beginning of guard-holes with no 'broken corners' (Fig.5 )

12 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A MILSCO
Blade: LxOALxWxT=61x73.5x3.6x0.45cm
Wrist-loop hole with rounded ends ( Fig.8 )
Larger fuller

13 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A MILSCO
Blade: LxOALxWxT=62x74x3.55x0.49cm
Wrist-loop hole with rounded ends ( Fig.8 )

14 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A VINCE
Wrist-loop hole with rounded ends( Fig.8 )
Top portion of guard shaved off
ExTNI-AD Div.VI-Siliwangi HQ Bandoeng

15 Kalewang ( Pedang Marsose ) 1946A VINCE
Blade: LxOALxWxT=62x74x3.65x0.49cm
Began wrist-loop hole with rounded ends ( Fig.8 )


1 Kalewang Djago ( De Haan ) 1875

2 Kalewang Atjeh 1880 ( Gliwang Ladieng with M1845/54 handle )

3 Kalewang Walanda 1895 GEVELSBERG ( El Gallito / De Haan )

4 Kalewang 1895 SOERABAIA ( based on M1876 sabre )

5 Kalewang Toemang 1898 TJIKEROEH ( based on M1876 sabre )


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