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Old 18th January 2017, 11:58 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by ariel
...These missives were not intended to be a final, unassailable "truth".
The issue was raised as to the origin of this information, and here it is. Nothing more.
Each one here is free to accept the idea or to reject it...
In fact, when i pasted my post reflecting Mr. Daehnhardt's narration on this subject, i saw no need to transcribe in the text a paragraph with my own comment on it, which was:
Naturaly this is a facultative situation, nobody has to beleive in it.

Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
...It seems to me, that keeping the hilts and the blades apart, was a question, which Rainer Daehnhardt should have been digging a bit more into - a pity he didn't.
This 'habit' of keeping hilts and blade seperat, could be due to, how much the Maharaja trusted his employees, and the people he was ruling over...
Apparently there was nothing further to dig, at least as far as he was concerned, which i think he has put it in detail and very clear.

Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
I feel sure, that had it been general, people like Egerton, Hendley, Kipling and others, living there and commenting on armouries would have mentioned it, as the habit, as far as I know, is very far form the European way to do it - and so, such a habit, must have been very strange to them...
Also we may read that, in my checking with him about such particularity, he admitted that, the way he has put things in his book, might be seen as a general habit but, having to be precise, he assumed that, as far as he could assure, this occurred with a particular Raja, for the quoted reasons. If there were more sovereings acting with the same behaviour, who knows ? India is as large as a sub continent; perhaps too large for one to say he has seen it all.
But again ... we are all free to digest it or not .
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