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Old 16th January 2017, 04:22 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pukka Bundook

One, many more hilts can be sold as some areas of the world have restrictions on blades, and
two, probably to him, a rusted blade is nearly worthless and therefore can be discarded and money still made on the hilt.
Very interesting information! And yes, this can be the explanation as to why there are so many Tulwar hilts on sale.

However, the reason as to why the blades were removed is not because "some areas of the world have restrictions on blades" as US, Europe and Australia all allow the sale of antique swords without any restrictions. But the problem might be India itself as the law in India is prohibiting trading larger blades that are sharpened. I found this out when I purchased some recently made "Mughal" daggers and they were all delivered unsharpened to avoid the above mentioned legal restrictions.

And unfortunately the old rusted blade that can be discarded can be Wootz and worh a small fortune.
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