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Old 12th January 2017, 05:52 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by motan
Hi Sajen, I am really not an expert, but I tend to agree with Fernando. The engraving on the blade is typical of Cretan knifes and I have not seen similar style on any other blades. The style of the scabbard in general and specifically the flowery decorations is of Ottoman Greece. I have not seen this type of crystal handle on any Greek dagger and it may be a rare feature (which makes it all the more interesting).
Hi Motan, thank you for comment! Like you see by this thread I know nothing about this knives. But with the impulse Fernando has given and a private mail and the confirmation from Stelio I see it now byself. But until now I don't have found a very similar example, not only the unusual handle material but also blade shape and size seems to be unusual. It's inside the scabbard nearly similar small like my Vendetta dagger:
So I asked myself the same question Ian asked. (woman dagger?) It is for sure a hidden dagger, there isn't any loop or clip at the scabbard. Also that the edge isn't sharpened seems strange!

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