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Old 11th January 2017, 12:49 AM   #7
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi drac:

Two interesting knives. The one with the hair (I agree it is probably goat hair) is probably mainland SE Asia or neighboring India/China. The S-shaped linked design adjacent to the spine of the blade is similar to northern Thai/Lao decorations seen on blades from the hill tribes. Like Detlef, I think the lettering on the blade resembles Burmese script, although the letters are incomplete. So a Kachin/Naga or nearby ethnic group seems most likely for that one.

The other one is more of a mystery. Judging from the ferrule and bolster I don't think this one is from the Philppines, although it has that general "flavor." Barry has suggested that the figure on the pommel is related to Buddhism, and he may be right. That would rule out the Philippines, and turn attention to mainland SE Asia, Tibet, etc. I'm having trouble pinning it down any further than that. Nice knife.

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