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Old 10th January 2017, 07:25 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Two Large Mystery Knives

The first large knife, with the tuft of hair has a heavy blade that measures 9.5 ".The handle is covered with a metal that may be aluminum, but I think it could be pewter;it has a small amount of rattan work around the middle.This is probably a "tourist piece."
The other piece, I think is much better.It has an old, very sharp, heavy 11.5" blade. It is affixed into a horn handle, with a carved "demon head," pommel.The scabbard is wood, wrapped in knotted twine.It was reportedly brought back by a Vietnam War Veteran in the late 1960's, and I can see a possible Vietnamese, Cambodian, or even Chinese Influence on this piece.
Any information or guesses would be appreciated.
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