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Old 9th January 2017, 08:29 PM   #1
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Default Unknown knife, Coachman knife?

Today I've purchased my first "new" knife of the year, the seller stated that it is a Coachman knife or a hunting knife from around 1760. Origin Middle Europe? Germany? My online search wasn't from any success, I don't find something similar. The handle should be from rock crystal, that's what the seller stated. Scabbard 12 lot silver (750), again the statement from the seller. The knife is 26,8 cm long. Attached are the pictures from the seller. Sadly the pictures from the gold(?) inlay at the blade not very clear. I would be very thankful for every comment since I know next to nothing about European knives like this but this knife was so appealing to my eyes and the price more as good.

Thank you in advance!
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Last edited by Sajen; 9th January 2017 at 08:44 PM.
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