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Old 8th January 2017, 10:43 AM   #60
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I have had a hardcopy of Dr. Noor's article “From Majapahit to Putrajaya" since not long after its publication, I guess about 18 or 20 years ago. It has always caused me to wonder how a man of such meritorious reputation and undoubted scholarship could publish an article of this quality.

Dr. Noor's remarks on hilt naming seem to have come from Nik Rashiddin Nik Hussein, an undoubtedly great artist. Dr. Noor's opinions on hilt naming are not the result of original research, but rather a repetition of what can be found in "Spirit of Wood", and from the same source.

The article is now available online and can be downloaded here:-

I suggest that a very careful and inquisitive reading of this article might be quite enlightening.
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