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Old 3rd January 2017, 03:09 PM   #38
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I am new to Kerisology and my info may be disputed. But as a malay myself and come from Kelantan Malaysia (which is basically culturally and linguistically the same as the people from Patani/southern Thailand, the word 'pekaka' (correct spelling is pekaka and NOT pekakak) refers locally to the bird which in standard malayis called 'raja udang' and in english the king fisher.

In Kelantan/Patani the hilt of keris tajong is usually referred to as 'hulu tajong' these days, but previously as far as I know are refered interchangeably as pekaka also.

It is only lately as far as I know even the keris 'experts' in Kelantan think that hulu pekaka is a wrong term for the typical hilt of keris tajung which is now universally called hulu tajong.

Currently hulu pekaka is referred to the type as shown below.
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