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Old 3rd January 2017, 11:57 AM   #37
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Kai, the only thing that aroused my interest in this thread was your use of the word "pekaka".

You then gave as your source "Spirit of Wood".

I checked this and found that the authors do not use "pekaka", but rather a word that is unknown in formal Malay:- "perkaka"

Here we have two completely different spellings:- two completely different words

Possibly Adni does use "pekaka" , but if so, then goodness me --- Adni is at variance with the recognised authorities:- The Two Niks.

And you yourself are quite happy to use "pekaka" because Adni uses "pekaka" ?

So, Adni is now the recognised authority?

Any way I look at this question it seems that it is full of uncertainty:- nobody seems to know just exactly what is correct --- least of all me.

There is absolutely no similarity in the pronunciation of these two different words. It might appear that they are similar to a non-native speaker of Malay, but in Malay the "r" is rolled, which makes the sound of these two words completely different when spoken.

In respect of the tajong hilt and scabbard belonging together, I have never disputed that, this is something I haven't even mentioned, what I said was that the name "tajong" comes from a type of fishing boat and the form of the scabbard resembles that boat, thus the scabbard gives its name to the complete keris, I then drew attention to the indisputable fact that The Two Niks do not give a name to the hilt of the keris tajong, they merely describe it as the hilt of the keris tajong:- there is a difference between naming something and describing something.

I've gone on record more times than once in stating my position when it comes to playing the name game, a game that has always been very popular with collectors.

If we need an example of just how puerile this game can be, I think we have just provided one.
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