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Old 3rd January 2017, 05:51 AM   #40
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by zeus74
sure, you can find artsy keris in madura and middle java. about low quality keris, better explore names at group directly and find keris that qualified as art works. in this case, how the west and native people have value-judgement is completely different. keris is the highest culture in java and only can comprehend under holistic manner. i don't mean this as post-colonial perspective.

i guess it's my last post
Zeus, whether this is your last post or not is completely up to you. But i will say that you seem to have misunderstood what my criticisms of you posts actually were. This is not a matter of differing cultural value judgements. We simply do not discuss or post commercial links on this forum and the purpose of the forum is purely for study and knowledge, not to sell keris or discuss where one might buy keris.
I completely agree that keris is a part of the highest cultural aspects of Jawa and that it most certainly cannot be understood in a vacuum. Holistic methods of comprehending keris is of the utmost importance. However, trick videos claiming to show keris flying are at best an entertaining distraction to our deeper understanding of the subject.
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