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Old 2nd January 2017, 08:27 PM   #38
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by zeus74
this is nothing. maybe it's just a trick or somewhat.. there's story in java, when majapahit storming keraton giri gresik the kris of sunan giri which have dapur kalamunyeng flying attacking the invaders.
Zeus, belief is a powerful thing and it certain drives a great deal of the mystical side of keris culture. That said, i can almost (for how can one be absolutely sure about anything) guarantee that what is shown on this video is indeed a trick. I know numerous stage magicians who could do this trick even better. There are indeed many legends surrounding keris, some of which deal with flying. It makes little sense to discuss these legends here, however, as they will never be proven as fact or be seen as anything beyond legend or speculation. Legend surrounds blades in many other cultures as well. There is the wonderful legend of King Arthur pulling the sword Excalibur from the stone for one. Here is a list of "magic" weapons from all around the world.
These are great stories to tell our children, but what do they actually teach us about keris, it's intention, purpose or place in society and culture?
I have deleted all of you other posts in the moderation queue Zeus. Your first one was a link to a commercial Facebook site where people seem to be trying to sell mostly poorly identified low quality keris. Please understand that we are NOT a commercial site and if you have read the rules of this forum you would know that posting links to commercial pages here is strictly forbidden.
I deleted you other posts with links to youtube videos that you marked a "entertainment" because some had absolutely nothing to do with keris while others were more unprovable mystical entries, such as the man supposedly using keris and magic to mysteriously locate a hidden keris blade buried under a rock. The most obvious possibility being that he buried it there himself to be "magically" discovered later, no?
Please understand that it is not that we outright dismiss the mystical side of keris culture and philosophy here, but videos like the ones you were attempting to share for "entertainment" value are not the kind of things that are of any value for serious study of the keris. And any commercial links are completely unacceptable on this page. Thanks for understanding.
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