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Old 31st December 2016, 06:57 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by kai
You're showing the pekaka hilt which is a more northern Malay type, again a variant of the JD form.
The anak ayam teleng type is quite typical for Terengganu though.
Of course! My bad! You are, of course, correct. Too many names in my head right now.
However, that said, i have quite often seen the pekaka hilt on Terengganu keris as well, so i think either would work and the hilt which is the keris is currently dressed with works just fine as well even if it is not of the highest quality carving.
I suppose this part of the discussion and my reason for thinking about the pekaka hilts to begin with was Henk describing a good Bugis hilt as more a pistol grip. Bugis culture is spread all across the area and the appropriate hilt for any particular Bugis keris will depend upon the specific area where it originates. It will not always be only the pistol grip form i believe Henk is referring to.
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