Thread: Keris quality?
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Old 30th December 2016, 04:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 24
Default Keris quality?

Hello group and I hope to find you in good spirits. I'm new in the search for quality keris. In my resent research I've come across keris that I think are pour quality. By this I mean keris the pour pamor quality. I've come across different pamor styles that have been rusted and or scratched, erosion ect.

I've also seen the same pamor on different keris. On one keris the pamor can be seen and on the other pamor doesn't come through as well as the other. Things like rust, erosion, scratches, dings ect are because of poor upkeeping.

So my question is.because something like poor upkeeping, does this mean the keris is no good? Or is this the case of one man's garbage being anothers treasure?
My second question is. Because a pamor is brilliant on one keris and on the other keris of the same type faded.

Do this mean the keris was poorly executed or has lesser value than the pamor that is visible? Lastly, I'm looking for dealer with a good reputation. Does anyone know any others, other than Alan Maisey? Not that Alan Maisey is bad. Lol

Alan Maisey has been very patient and has help me a great deal. However I don't think Alan is selling any keris at the moment.

Thank you for your responses
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