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Old 29th December 2016, 09:58 PM   #11
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I was looking for something in my notebooks, and I came across these notes that I had forgotten:-

In the Karaton Surakarta a wedung must be worn instead of a keris in the following instances:-

1) by a lurah if he is the head of an office or in command of men
2) by a mantri if he is an administrator
3) by a penewu, who is the commander of 1000 men
4) by a bupati anom ( deputy bupati) if acting in the position of bupati, but not otherwise
5) by a bupati if he is an administrator
6) by a pangeran if he is an administrative head

Ranks up to bupati anom may only wear a plain black wedung, ranks of bupati and pangeran may wear a pamor wedung.

I think this clarifies exactly how a wedung fits into the hierarchy of dress, at least in the Karaton Surakarta.
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