Thread: unusual keris
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Old 27th December 2016, 03:34 PM   #12
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by kai
However, if a keris performs as a culturally accepted "prop" in a ceremonial setting of the culture, say, a wedding, one might also argue that it is a real keris, isn't it?
Sure Kai, one might argue that. I believe that in a similar discussion of what constitutes a "real" keris Alan once remarked about seeing a cardboard cutout blade used in a wedding serving as a keris. And as we have also discussed on this forum, belief plays an important factor in all things Indonesian, so people are welcome to believe this to be anything they want, i suppose, and who am i to try to dissuade them. However, when you ask me "what do I think" as Donny has here, i believe i will stick to my assessment until further evidence comes along to change my mind. If someone can convincingly explain to me how and why such an item has served in the capacity of a real keris (and for me i believe it would have to go beyond simply serving as a prop for a wedding) then perhaps i can accept it. But i think that the theater use scenario seems more likely in this case. Someone obviously went to some trouble to make the blade appear as metal, something i don't believe would be necessary for this object to pass simply as an article of formal dress in a wedding. So the blade was meant to be seen, unlike the cardboard wedding prop blade Alan once described. Stage use seems a fairly likely venue in that case. Theatre and the Wayang is a very important cultural aspect of Jawa and Bali (and, i assume, Madura). If this were the personal theatre prop of a venerated Wayang dancer i can certainly see it becoming part of the family pusaka and passed down to the next generation. Though i am open to further information i know of no spiritual or magickal reasons why someone would craft a keris out of wood instead of iron.
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