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Old 23rd December 2016, 03:57 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by Norman McCormick
Hi Rick,
Great work as always and I'm with Stu on the bits, nicely done. There's quite a lot of Toradors in the U.K., bring backs during the Raj, most of which are in a sorry state stuffed in garages and attics but the bits are much more difficult to find so it's nice to see them together. I've not been about much lately, have you got a liner in the barrel and if you have what is it like to shoot?
Hi Norman.

Thanks for your comments. The barrel does in fact have a new steel liner. It's now a .54 caliber (14mm) smoothbore. I can load, shoot, and clean just like any other muzzle loader. It was just finished, so I have not fired it yet. Will probably wait till early Spring so I can have someone shoot a video.

Next Project, I'm sending off the barrel of an Albanian Tanchika long gun to have a liner installed. LOL

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