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Old 21st December 2016, 05:58 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Default Torador Matchlock - Finished

Hello All.

I guess this is actually Part IV of the Torador Barrel Investigation Threads I posted earlier. But thought I would start a new Thread since the gun is now complete.
The Torador musket is now re-assembled and complete. It's now safe, and ready to be test fired. Can't wait to try it out.
The OAL length is 75" (191cm) with a barrel length of 55.5" (141cm). The original caliber was about .65 (17mm). It has a new steel liner in the bore and a sleeve inside the breech area. It is now a .54 (14mm) caliber smoothbore.
It has a new brass front bead sight. The clean break in the forearm wood was repaired, which doesn't even show. The original pan cover was missing. So a new one was made. I added a vent pick and chain. The bead work is just me playing around. LOL Original powder and priming flasks in working order. I will use these to load. Should be much fun.
Anyway, picture heavy here. Comments most appreciated. And thanks for looking.

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