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Old 17th December 2016, 08:14 PM   #1
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Default 2 Kujang for comment


Here are my two Kujang.

The first has no handle and sheath. The blade has an almost invisible pamor. It's very worn and looks quite old. (Excavation find? or number ritual washing?). Unless it is a Kujang from the second half of the XXth century artificially aged to sell it as antique?

The second Kujang has a nice wooden sheath, covered with a thin sheet of white metal (it don't look like silver, but rather aluminum or ??)
The handle is made of buffalo horn. The animal represented on the scabbard and the handle seems to be the Makara.
The blade is much less damaged than the first Kujang. It's still covered with rust, but I just receive it. I'd wash the blade tomorrow.
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