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Old 9th December 2016, 11:26 AM   #11
Kmaddock's Avatar
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Posts: 543

Hi Jens
Please see attached more images from the same auction, sorry about poor quality but they are just saved images from an on line catalogue.

These items sold for a lot of money so rest assured they are gone to a good home.

The items were sold in Scotland and the auction descriptor said the items came from Capenoch House, if that means anything to anyone.

It looks like the Bischwa, and the 2 Katars escaped the chop

Looking at images it looks as if the destruction was done a long time as there is a lot of corrosion on the cut ends.

It reminds me of the destruction of weapons after World War II where I have seen images of tanks driven over masses of guns.

We can only guess why and when it was done


Attached Images
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