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Old 23rd November 2016, 10:25 PM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Marcus.

Thanks so much for the additional pics. Good job with the camera !! LOL
The mechanism to fire the barrel would be as Oliver suggests above. Somewhat similar to the operation of a cane gun, used for personal protection.

It could have been used for hunting. Maybe similar to the boar hunting spears that were popular in Europe. But I can't see getting that close to a tiger, even with a longer haft.

But the short length of the barrel tells me it was an up-close weapon. Too bad the lower haft is missing. It's length might answer some of these questions.
The whole piece is obviously a forging. This was not made for an arsenal, but for a private individual of means. The chisel work on the blade is beautiful. The whole piece is both interesting and intriging.

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