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Old 11th November 2016, 05:10 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Corrado.

That is a super nice example. Congratulations. And it looks like everything is intact, nothing missing. Most of these pistols have seen heavy use. So it's nice to see one unmolested. And the silver mounts are a bonus.
It's amazing how so many of these pistols continued to follow French and Italian styling cues from the early-mid 18th Century, and decorated for local tastes.
One thing I've noticed that is common with most, if not all these pistols is how the trigger guards are nailed to the stock versus being set with screws. I've always found this a bit curious.
It looks like there may be a date on the lower edge of the lockplate ?

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