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Old 10th November 2016, 06:43 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Default New club Tupiniquim Tupi people?

This club will be familiar to those who keep an eye on ebay listings. It has been around for at least the last 6 months? and the price was lowered some time ago but still very high for an unidentified club. Clearly old, unusual and interesting, was catching collectors eyes with a constant 30 watchers. But where from? nobody would bite! The seller covered all likely bases Oceanic + Amazon + rare. Rare is never a good word to use. However in this case the use of rare to promote sale, is I believe quite possibly the case. Though just a matter of luck. While researching Amazon clubs I came across this site many many months ago :

Today I looked again at the club. At times to identify a weapons origin only one feature may be the pointer. I feel that is so here. The picture in the link is not the best but look very hard and closely at the handle end. Now compare the handle end of the club from ebay which I have taken a punt on. The seller was right in one way that it is South American {not Amazon}, Brazil in fact but the Atlantic sea board and inland. The link suggests the example shown is from the Rio Tibirica headwaters. The Tibirica is 90 km long so a coastal river. I propose that my new club is coastal Brazil most probably Tupi speaking people. If so this will be an old rare piece. I just have to wait for the arrival. It is certainly not Oceanic as in Melanesian or Polynesian.
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