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Old 8th November 2016, 02:46 PM   #119
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Tim,

Congrats! I hope we didn't drove up the price too much back then!

Your rencong is certainly special with those 4 rows; it's noteworthy that in this siwaih configuration, usually the 2nd row is quite tall and more rounded as if leaning towards a glupa configuration (usually one large row with more or less rounded tips and tiny indentations at both sides of the tip; and another small row of wide triangles at the base) while the uppermost 2 rows are puco style (triangles with acute tips). Most nobility rencong with "crowns" exhibit the puco configuration while a few have glupa (and yours the siwaih "mix" ).

If you go back to Erik's pic at the very beginning of this thread, the rencong with the silver hilt (2nd from right) seems to also lean towards a glupa base with a single puco row on top.

Incidentally, the rencong on the right hand side has a similar suassa-covered bolster and also this backward-directed duru seuke (base extension of the blade) which I associate with Gayo rather than Aceh. OTOH, the enamel work in your example seems to suggest an Aceh origin though...

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