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Old 29th October 2016, 02:10 PM   #1
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Default "A Passion for Indian Arms" Book Review

"A Passion for Indian Arms" -Book Review
by Jens Norlunde

The first thing you notice on this long anticipated book is the quality of the paper, you feel the smoothness of its surface when you first touch it. The second thing you notice is that it is a 9"x12" hefty paper back book, this type binding makes the book open slightly better and makes it a little easier to handle when reading. Then you open the book to see high quality print photo's of Indian arms displayed in a page by page sequence with entire weapon, close-ups of important features, measurements and also references with author, book and page numbers shown.

The arms in this book are extremely well researched and arranged in a systematic sequence that makes it easy to follow time periods for objects discussed. There is a depth of understanding evident in the writing that satisfies even the most advanced research. Anyone with an interest in Indian arms or art will enjoy reading this book and become one of those "go to" reference books. There are 100 copies printed so availability will be limited. My perspective for this book is that there will only be as many great libraries on Indian arms as have a copy of this book.

Well done Jens Norlunde and thank you for creating this well crafted important book!

rand milam
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