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Old 28th October 2016, 04:43 PM   #1
Jens Nordlunde
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Default The floral decoration and hilt disc motif on tulwars

Could someone interested in researching, not help out a bit, and please start a research on the flowers on the tulwar hilts?
A lot of hilts/flowers are shown in my latest catalogue, so this could be a starter.
At the moment I cant do it myself, as I am wound up in researching some katar types, which I believe belong together, but I yet have to prove it.
What I know so far is, that they are from Rajasthan, ande the age seem to differ. They are shown in old catalogues, but the place of origin is avoided, and so is the age. So I will have to dig deeper to find an answer.
It would, however, help if someone will take the task to start looking into the flowers on the tulwar hilts - so we can move a bit farther than we are now.

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 13th February 2017 at 05:51 PM. Reason: expand scope of discussion
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