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Old 22nd October 2016, 07:39 PM   #17
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Well Marcus, concerning the origin of this gun and that of its relatives; we may know their provenance but the origin is another thing. We know that a series of these items were property of Montjuic Castle, but not that they have had any action in that place. We also know that museums do not necessarily exhibit the material of the castles where they are situated, the items in exhibiton being a product of donors ... collectors, families and so. Remember the inscription painted in one of these pieces, from Michl's collection (see post #89 and previous):
Also interesting to notice a detail in the breech construction (shank) in another specimen provenant from Montjuic, also from Michl's collection (see picture attached).
I would then, based on their museum provenance region, donor origins and all, reduce the range of possibilities for the origin of these tiller guns to being Spanish but, what do i know ?

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