Thread: Thai "katana"
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Old 21st October 2016, 01:45 PM   #22
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With or without provenance, this is exactly what it is: a very poor quality and purely decorative attempt to copy a Japanese Katana. In other words, A FAKE. I even doubt that it can hold an edge as it is quite obvious from the photos the "edge" is about 2 mm thick...

Moreover, I doubt even the origin. While it appears to be well documented, it wouldn't be unfathomable that at a certain point in time the original sword was replaced with this pathetic attempt of a sword while the pedigree remained attached from the previous one, like Ariel suggested.

However, even if it were the original one, would the simple fact that it was presented as a gift to a president make it more valuable?! I personally don't think so. Only maybe from a historical perspective.

Dubito, ergo cogito!

PS: It wouldn't be for the first time when a museum is dead wrong about something.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 21st October 2016 at 07:35 PM.
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