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Old 18th October 2016, 07:23 PM   #10
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X-ray done.
Contrary to my expectations, it was not so difficult to find a place to do it and, also confirming my other expectations, i find it hard to interpreter the images.
I was very well atended by the specialists (from the industrial trade), as they became very interested and wished to help me analize the barrel and the chamber. Besides the X-ray equipment, a boroscope was also used, but without effective results, as its camera was a lateral one and could not visualize frontwards. A pity that the endoscope was out for exterior works and they could not use it.
In any case, one could assume that this gun is not loaded. What i think is visible is a solid section in the core of the chamber, which could well be a sort of plug, even an extension projected from the socket. I wouldn't know how to put this in the propper terms; maybe some of you guys (Alexander?) understand what i am saying or, even better, has the correct idea of what these images represent.
It also looks, at least in my imagination, that the barrel tube was forged in the winding system.
What do you Gentlemen say about this ?

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