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Old 18th October 2016, 07:12 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Roland_M
Hi Marius,

also nice to hear from you!
I know the Video you mentioned. It was made with modern swords.

According to historical sources, the Japanese Samurai were pretty happy, when they found out, that their blades were of higher quality than portugese swords for example. But on the other hand, european raw steel was extremely sought after in ancient Nippon. Ancient Katana made from european raw steel have a pale blue shine, while Tamahagane is either black or dark blue, depending on the region.

I'm not just collecting swords, I also know a little about their usage. The balance of a typical early or war Katana (not the very light civil everyday Edo-Katana) is terrible. It took years until a Samurai was able to use his Katana in the right way. If one hits the target not exactly in a 90° angle, the sword will be bend. This is one reason, why it takes so long to master the Katana.

Japanes sword are extremely beautiful and aesthetic, but as a weapon I would compare it with the Starfighter plane (F-104), very fast but with a manouverability like a heavy truck full of gravel. Compared with a wootz Kilij it is like the Starfighter vs the SU35.

Best wishes,
I agree... to disagree!

But that's the fun of it.
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