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Old 15th October 2016, 10:23 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by colin henshaw
Hi Detlef

Sorry to be negative ... but this piece doesn't look right to me. The carved figure is quite crude, and from the images it looks stuck onto the blade with some sort of pitch or tar. Could the blade have started out life as a spearhead ?

Perhaps a made for selling object ?

But I'm not an expert, so might be mistaken.

Hi Colin,

thank you very much! I've asked so I am thankful for your answer and you will be correct, I've get yesterday already a mail from a member who told me that it is a fantasy product. But your suggestion that it could be a spearhead seems plausible. And yes, the handle is attached by some sort of pitch. Could be worked for selling purpose but already some time ago, the piece coming with three other quite good pieces from a german auction house. Maybe from a small collection and when it is like this I am not the first person who get "duped".

Best regards,

Last edited by Sajen; 15th October 2016 at 02:19 PM.
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