yes, thumbshot. the acorn and double ogival shapes were the most common tho. found the original ref for the picture, see attached. smaller drilled shot whistled when throw, were almost impossible to see coming and were used to terrorise the enemy. they could be thrown like grapeshot, 3 or 4 at a time.
i always wondered why canucks were 'special'.
found another ref that indicated tests with lead shot revealed they could be thrown 300-400 metres and had the kinetic energy of a .44 magnum. roman surgeons even had special instruments for removing lead shot from victims.
the greeks were fond of casting litle messages on their shot, similar to those we chalked onto bombs for delivery to our opponents

'catch this' and 'this is for dessert'. 'fly accurately', and even 'Attack Octavian's a****hole'. presumeably by a marcus antonius supporter. (MA lost tho)