Thread: Meteorite iron?
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Old 2nd October 2016, 10:30 PM   #19
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Seerp, this pamor is made by surface manipulation, essentially it is the same process that is used making the Middle Eastern ladder patterns. Udan mas, bonang, banyu tetes, all these pamors are just simple surface manipulation.

Bulu ayam is an East Jawa name for ron duru. The legend with ron duru is that an empu made it once during his lifetime, and then he died.

I'd sooner not be responsible for your death Seerp.

But seriously, when I was taught how to make ron duru I was cautioned that this knowledge was sufficient for me alone. I am prohibited from telling you how to complete the entire process. What I can tell you, and this is common knowledge, is that it is made by stacking, splitting and rewelding.

I suggest that you get hold of the books of Jim Hrisoulis, from memory I think you need "The Master Bladesmith". You should be able to work out how to do it by analysing the information you will find there.

Working with plasticine can help a lot in working out how to make various pamor patterns.
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