Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Yes Green, true, however, in Javanese the word "ukiran" means "keris hilt" as well as carving.
The usual alternate word for "keris hilt"in Javanese is "jejeran".
I agree with Alan here. It's all about the context of usage. Ukiran is certainly an acceptable word for a keris hilt regardless of its precise literal meaning. We also cannot look to current Bahasa Indonesian for definitions since these words in keris context generally come from old Javanese as a source. Hulu, in Bahasa Indonesian, translates as "upper," "upstream", "head" or "headwaters". You will not find a translator that gives its definition as "hilt". Still, it too is an acceptable word for hilt in the context of keris discussion, especially amongst collectors who recognize that usage.
But there is no particular arcane or occult knowledge to be gained through the use of any of these words as for as i can see and as i stated before, on an English speaking forum the word "hilt" is probably the most appropriate word to use when trying to describe a "hilt". Of course keris collectors will recognize any of these other words to mean "hilt" as well and in the end the purpose of understanding language is so that we can all understand each other.
There are, of course, certain keris terms that i find it best to use the Javanese words for simply because there are no easy ways to describe those parts in English. So terms like gonjo (ganja), gandik, sogokan, tikel alis, sekar kacang, greneng, pendok, mendak, etc. are all words i tend to employ since they accurately describe what i am talking about in the least amount of words.