Thread: Meteorite iron?
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Old 28th September 2016, 10:52 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Seerp Visser
I hope there will be a kris in the future where it is proved by analyzing, that meteoritic iron is present. Then, if the blade is still in good condition, we might be able to feel differences in material caused by the meteoritic iron and describe them.
But Seerp, we already have numerous examples of keris that we know actually have meteorite in them as Alan has pointed out. That is because they were made at times when this process was fully recorded. The prickly feel that some describe can also be felt on pamor that very likely does NOT contain meteorite so having such keris to go by seems not to be a very good standard to make a positive judgement.
BTW, you can gone to this site and calculate the value of a guilder in, say, 1900 (or any date).
It seems that in 1900 the cost of a single gram of Prambanan meteorite was around $50 if Groneman's records are correct. That seems a bit high by today's standards.
The cost to make the keris is close to $600 by today's value which many would say is quite low for empu level workmanship on a keris.

Last edited by David; 29th September 2016 at 02:59 PM.
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