Originally Posted by Jean
Hello David,
By "some Mataram features" I only meant the square pejetan and sharp sirah cecak but of course I agree that the blade does not date from an old Mataram period.
Personally I believe that trying to identify the type of dapur of an old Javanese blade (not the case with this one) is important as each dapur has its own significance for the owner as the pamor pattern. A dapur conforming to the Central Java pakem shows that the pande followed the tradition so it constitutes a quality indicator for the blade IMO.
Jean, i believe you have taken my post as argument when my intention was to agree with you. Note the winking emoticon.
I also was not dismissing the importance of dhapur, only noting that there is often much argument over the proper names for different dhapurs. If one is dealing with keraton level blades and has the pakem for said keraton as a guide this can indeed be very helpful information.