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Old 27th September 2016, 06:05 AM   #6
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

To emphasise what David has already said.

I am 76 years old, I began to collect keris at the age of 12, I began to seriously study keris at the age of 14, I studied with Empu Suparman Supowijoyo for about 15 years, I have numbered amongst my friends other well known empus, pande keris and m'ranggis.

I have a fair working knowledge of the Javanese and Madurese keris, I know a bit less about the Balinese keris, of other keris I know almost nothing.

Cal, if you wish to learn about the keris you can count on a very lengthy course of study.

However, that does not answer your question.

It is very difficult to judge the physical quality of a keris from photos. I am often asked to give an opinion on the quality of keris and I almost invariably qualify my answer by saying something like:- "--- my opinion could be very different if I held this keris in my hand ---".

If you buy on an auction site like ebay, you are backing your own judgement, and at your stage of learning, that would be a rather unwise thing to do. The wisest way for a beginner to buy is to seek out a reliable dealer who knows what he is selling, tell the dealer what you want and trust his judgement.
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