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Old 25th September 2016, 09:55 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Cal, a keris has many aspects, it is not just one thing, and the aspect of any individual keris can vary, depending upon circumstances.

As Rick and Battara have indicated, once a keris is offered for sale, it becomes an object of trade and no special ceremony or approach is required to accept it from the seller.

However, once it is in your possession your attitude towards it can change that same keris from an object of trade to something else, what the "something else" may be depends upon many things, and here is not the place to try to explain those things.

At the very least when you receive a keris into your possession it is a good idea to ensure that the keris itself is clean, that the hilt is properly fitted, that all of the dress is clean and in good condition.

The blade should be oiled with a fragrant oil, such as sandalwood.

The resting place should be in close proximity to your own resting place, for example, on top of a chest of drawers in your bedroom.

The keris should be handled regularly, you need to become familiar with it and get used to the way it may, or may not, affect your feelings.

If you follow this advice, in time you will become aware of how you need to behave in respect of any keris that is in your care.
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