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Old 24th September 2016, 12:29 PM   #1
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Default Yataghan or Flyssa?

just won this at an online auction in norfolk, uk.
listed as: 19th Century North African Flyssa sword with scabbard a/f

i seriously doubt that. no dimensions, no significant bidders, i won it for less than the packing & postage. it appears to be a turkish (no integral bolster) style karakulak yataghan with silver fittings, now black. scabbard chape may be missing, leather need a bit of TLC near the throat. blade looks laminated, with a indented stamp on the left side. pommel may have some silver-work, as well as some worm holes. will know more when it arrives. i do know it's NOT a flyssa. (they sold another 'flyssa' a few lots before that looked suspiciously like a salawar yataghan (khyber knife) for not much more than i am paying)...

will list more info on arrival.
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