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Old 19th September 2016, 05:10 PM   #20
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Surely many characters were taken down with a blunderbuss, including notorious personalities. Blunderbusses were said to have been used to kill King Dom José I, in the night of September 3rd 1758, on his way back from a night visit to his mistress Marchioness Dona Teresa Leonor, wife of the Marchis de Tavora. In an ambush to the King's sege, various shots were fired, the Monarch surving badly wounded.
Also virtual scenes are recorded, 'glorifying' this type of gun, one of them featuring a 19th century famous Brasilian religious rebel leader, backed by his bodyguards, in a attitude to stop the progression of the Republic.

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Last edited by fernando; 19th September 2016 at 07:05 PM.
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