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Old 15th September 2016, 02:56 PM   #4
Vikingsword Staff
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Interesting thread guys.

Krockew, I note the one that you call a hunting sword is very similar in style to the swords produced in Tjikeroeh and nearby areas of Westen Java in the early 20th C. The engraved fuller, acorn finials on the clam shell guard, the slightly curved grip with more acorn insignia, the two ferrules and a full tang with threaded end to accept a screw are all typical of the locally made version. There was often a marking of TJIKR or TJIKEROEH on the reverse side of the ricasso and usually a date. With plain steel blades, the locally made swords were of good quality and presumably made for Europeans.

Here are some previous discussions of the Dutch klewang and its variants:

Last edited by Ian; 15th September 2016 at 03:07 PM. Reason: Added links to other threads
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