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Old 13th September 2016, 09:56 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by ChrisPer
Very interesting displays. The design of 19th Century 'heroic' arrangements of arms and such would be an interesting study in its own right. Because 20th and 21st century curating and collecting values have so many ideological components, it could be a useful marker of how power and ideology have changed.

For instance, I recommend the Bulawayo Museum of Natural History as a great example of 1960s (Space Age) museum design and curation, if you get a chance to go there!

Michael (Matchlock) described how modern German museum curators values were violently against arsenal and production arms, even those of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries that interst so many of us yet can be so obscured by time. That means his collection and his teaching here in this forum are vitally important in preventing the erasure of this history for the whim of political correctness.

Standing ovation!!!!!!
I wholeheartedly agree . While the highly embellished and artistic weapons often displayed in museums are indisputably beautiful and historically important as they are often well provenanced, they do not typically provide the perspective from the broader rank and file sector.
As noted, so many forms of arms in these categories are sparsely represented and huge gaps in development and common usage are in many cases completely absent from many museums and large collections.

I also salute the recognition of Michaels' work here, which indeed stands as in my opinion some of the most significant research and comprehensive studies of these incredibly rare arms. He was rightfully proud of his lifetime of accomplished study, and we were fortunate to have had him here .

Most fascinating idea for a thread, and definitely worthy of discussion and look into these earlier times of collecting.
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